Share Buttons


👨‍💻 Code

import { VKShareBtn } from "dv-social-share";
  title="dv-social-share is a social share buttons for your next React.js & Next.js apps."


đź“– VKShareBtn Props

urlstringThe URL of the shared pageto be shared.âś…
titlestringThe title of the shared page.❌
imagestringAn absolute link to the image that will be shared.❌
noParsebooleanIf true is passed, VK will not retrieve URL information.❌
noVkLinksbooleanIf true is passed, there will be no links to the user's profile in the open window. Only for mobile devices.❌
imgConfigobjectA imgConfig contains width, height & bgColor for the Image❌
openInNewTabbooleanfalseOpen share window in a new tab if set to true.❌